Conceived and curated with members of the community, Live Here Now is a series of neighborhood celebrations designed with and for local communities. We create a welcoming environment and present artists drawn from each community.
2024 Live Here Now:
September 14, 4-8PM
Arbor Oaks Park (2090 Champagne Drive)
4PM-5PM DJ, food vendors, bounce house, face painting, arts and crafts
5PM-6PM Community Performances
7PM-8PM Sean Dobbins
Rain Venue: Bryant Elementary (2150 Santa Rosa Drive)
September 28, 4-8PM
Fireman’s Park (8795 MacArthur Blvd)
4PM-5PM DJ Trés Styles, food vendors, bounce house, face painting
5PM-6PM Community Performances
6PM-7PM DJ Trés Styles
7PM-8PM Band
Rain Venue: South Pointe Scholars (10550 Geddes Rd)
Interested in helping support our work in the community? Please contact our development office for sponsorship opportunities at or 734.707.4961.