Annex: Stand-Up Comedy hosted by Julianna Loera-Wiggins

Friday, June 21 at 7PM | Annex

Stand-Up is coming to the Annex! Join some of the Midwest’s funniest comics for a night of uproarious entertainment. From Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Chicago, these comics will bring their unique perspectives and razor-sharp wit to the forefront. Whether their riffing on the absurdities of everyday life, poking fun at Midwestern quirks, or delving into the hilarity relationships, these comedians fearlessly tackle topics with irreverence and hilarity. 

Featured Comics:
Vivian Burgett (Ann Arbor)
Lauren Noelle (Detroit)
Janice V. Rodriguez (Chicago) 
Scott Sviland (Detroit)
Esteban Touma (Ann Arbor)
Hosted by: Julianna Loera-Wiggins (Ypsilanti)

Please note that this stand-up comedy show may contain mature content and is recommended for audiences 13 and up.


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